Sunday, November 22, 2009

I love life.

I. Love. Life.

I just got off the phone with my dad, and every rare once in a while I'll have a great catch-up with my Dad. My dad is an absolute goofball, and so, while my dad always takes care of me, we don't always have the longest of serious conversations. But today, we talked for about 45 minutes, and I'm just dying to get home. FOUR weeks from yesterday, and I will be home. I cannot wait to get back to the Cold, White North. I subconsciously refuse to admit the inevitable procession of Time while amidst the consistent temperatures of South West Florida. I have to remind myself it is November. And not only is it November. It is November 22nd. When did that happen!?

Anyway, I was pleased to hear all the update of everyone at home from my Dad and I am looking forward with great anticipation this much needed vacation. This semester has been rough--and I have senioritis, and I have no idea what I'm doing with my life, and after 3 months I finally feel that just now I'm getting settled, and now I must start thinking about the end. Life just keeps going.

I don't know if I could have had a nerdier weekend and this morning's experience was proof of that (I'll get to that in a minute). Friday night, after Intramural football, I spent the night drinking wine, eating cheese, bread and chocolate, and finishing both Brideshead Revisisted and The Chosen. Two wonderful books worthy of reading, at least once, and now on my list to read again (for the 3rd time). I spent most of the day Saturday contemplating Romanticism, the poet Shelley and the idea of self-creation between the coffee shop and the library. Saturday evening I also spent studying, and then caught up with the girls to watch the movie The Breakup. I LOVE Jennifer Aniston, and Vince Vaughn is a good actor. I really liked the movie...

After early Mass today I headed to the coffee shop for much needed leisure reading...The last few days have been rather melancholic, and mixed with my desire to write, I have spent them deep in thought about ...things students think about? haha. ...about things that I can't write about yet because I hvaen't thought enough. ...One day I'll write a book though. Watch for me, Rebecca Barclay. My name might be changed by then though, so...just watch for it. haha.

I have class later today at the Pub, which I am SO looking forward to...Romanticism, Dr. Raiger and beer, woo hooo...haha. Can't wait til break next week--anticipation of Thanksgiving mmm...I'm also planning on vegetating for a few days over a Friends marathon. I love that show.

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